Intro to Media Theory

 Tuesday 5th September 2023

                                  Media Theory: The Power of The Media

News - injustice in the media 
representation of gender

Monday 11th September 2023

                                    Media Theory: Stranger Things

L/O: To analyse using theoretical framework. To critically apply the theoretical framework to texts.
Media language: mise-en-scene, layout, camerawork, editing, codes &conventions 
Media representations: how different groups, events and issues are portrayed in the media
Media industries: big businesses/company production, distribution and circulation 
Media audience: who a piece of media is targeted and how they do it 


mise-en-scene: empty corridors, flickering lights, quiet music, noises from a mystery character
camerawork: long shots shows scenery. mid and close up shots of character to show feelings (mainly fear)                                

typical high school experience bullies, mean boys 
police slack at first lazy, alcoholics refuses Joyce, Joyce and Hopper conversations bias in 80s towards homosexuality 
single parents struggle in 80s 
inequalities in the 80s shown through Joyce


in fear American government were experimenting on humans- interests audience right from the start 

production values are high

police viewed as slack at first 
single parent house hold , low income 
ted 'hope you're enjoying your chicken ted' father not involved 

government experimenting on people 
slack police - no/little support for government 

Tuesday 12th September 

                          Media Theory: Stranger Things 

L/O: To investigate the principles behind the theories. To critically apply theory to texts. 

fragmented narrative - breaking a story into pieces to make it seem as though the events narrated are unfolding in the narrator's thoughts as a reverie.


Argued that as a modern society were organised around production of goods. Postmodern society is organised around a simulation- the play of imaged and signs.

In Stranger things we can see that postmodernism features through the bikes the children where using, this is homage as the same bikes were featured in ET, a sci-fi film. This scene also supports what Baudrillard stated with intertextual references.

Monday 25th September                                      

                                         Gender and Bond 

L/O: To investigate the theoretical framework in a set text.
         To discuss various theories.
         To critically apply theory to texts.   

women wearing objectifying outfit 
male characters in suits, more respectable to a 1970 audience 
forgets her last conquests name makes her seem like she sleeps around 
music becomes slower and seductive when women talks
during fight scene camera work deems her as stereotypical fearful women 
close shots of her body 
Van Zoonen applies to the James bond scene as it shows an objectified alongside smart, respectable men.  

Women are represented in the text as inferior to men and sexual objects. This is shown through mise-en-scene, the women where in revealing clothes like a skimpy skirt with her midriff showing paired with glamorous jewellery making the female character seem attention seeking and conveys the idea that she is a showoff. Whilst the men were in smart suits deeming them as respectable and successful without having to show off unlike women. Here we can see the text supports Van Zoonens' theory that women are often objectified in media representations. During the scene where the women is dancing the audience is all male. This supports Mulveys theory about 'the male gaze' as women are positioned in favour of men to for visual enjoyment and pleasure. To a 1970 audience this positions women alongside the general view that women are immodest and provocative. 

Women are represented as stereotypical to a 1970 audience however they are not always sexualised 

Tuesday 26th September 2023                 



Hooks argues that their are other factors that effect gender representation. For example a white male would get treated differently to a white female but then a black female would be treated differently again. 


women seductive - red lipstick whispers in his ear in charge at first, dialogue asks where he is going shows dependency but also lack of knowledge of his outside life stereotypical feminine ,dress not costume 
Bond leaves women to work looking around before cautious of ruining reputation, dominant 
costume smart leading female 

rich success 
lots of cars and motorbikes, also work environment dominated by males, typical 'boy toys'
scared of Bond subverts stereotype
grieving widow - looks the part but is not seem emotional just cold 
slaps man in face subverting stereotypes does not back down ends up giving in and kisses him 

Gender performance is dependent on their contextual factors. This is shown in The Spectre through the female characters. For example in the opening scene a Bond is taking a women back to the hotel room. The female character is portrayed as seductive through her red lipstick and her actions towards Bond like when she whispers in his ear. This supports Van Zoonens theory that women are sexual objects. This is also shown through the widow.

Monday 9th October 2023

                                  Media theory: Ideologies 

L/O: To investigate how representation can produce ideologies.
         To discuss various theories.
          To critically apply theories 

Todorov - narratology 
disruption to equilibrium
recognition of disruption 
a new equilibrium is established at the end

Apocalypse now 

fire repeated explosions mental fire in his head
PTSD war remained in his head 
drug and alcohol abuse, loss of marriage
vulnerable person violent also at risk  
mentally in two worlds

Dominant reading - war is never good and always ends bad
negotiated- war is not good but has to happen as their is always a result wether is it good or bad 
oppositional- war is irrelevant , not important to everyone 

Fish tank

British teen aggressive sports clothing casual joggers
controlled by men figure 
lower socio-economic group
mum stereotype smoking, clothing , lots of boyfriends 

dominant reading - bad parenting
negotiated reading  

The ideologies established in apocalypse now is that soldiers are damaged from war. This is seen through the editing when the sound of an helicopter is playing but the image is of his face showing that war hasn't left him and has almost become a part of who he is. His PTSD is shaping him as a person. The soldier is seen to be having sudden outbursts of anger and violence making himself a threat to himself and other people. We can see Halls reception theory is shown as a dominant reading can be made that war is never good and always ends badly for the individual as they are left with trauma that ruins their personal life like marriage. 

Tuesday 10th October 2023
L/O: To investigate how representations of masculinity differ 
         To discuss various theories on masculinity.
         To critically apply theories.

Strong man 
fit physique 
pressure to be like him 
in nature

Masculinity is represented as being disciplinary and authoritative. In the main image the man is seen hitting the women showing he should be  feared. IN the lexis it also suggests the women is secretive and he has to uncover her secret.

Diet Coke Advert 

Man - physical - strong- construction site
camera angles -looked down on inferior 
Objectification of the man for female pleasure 
Women office jobs intellectually dominant
low angle shots to show their power 

In the diet coke advert we can see gender roles have been reversed. A male is seen on a break at work being watched by women. This objectifies the man for female pleasure. The women are also watching form above filmed at a low angle whilst the man is below filmed with high angled shots making him be looked down by the women portraying him as inferior. The construction hat is an item simply used during his job. However it also connotes his job is dangerous and calls for safety and protection. 

physically fit men showing men should be into exercise and maintain a good body
man being dominant forcing a women down 
none of the other men are interfering 

typical high school experience bullies, mean boys 
police slack at first lazy, alcoholics refuses Joyce, Joyce and Hopper conversations bias in 80s towards homosexuality 
single parents struggle in 80s 
Joyce emotional, hystercal working mum when son is missing, when she notcies police do jot care about her son becomes confident and strong willed
inequalities in the 80s shown through Joyce

police viewed as slack at first 
single parent house hold , low income struggling single mum 
ted 'hope you're enjoying your chicken ted' father not involved 

government experimenting on people
slack police - no/little support for government 

Exam question

Stranger Things represents various different groups in society. One representation is shown through the character Joyce, a single parent. Joyce is represented as a stereotypical, hysterical parent when she finds out her son has not come home and is missing. Joyce screams and cries leaning on her son for comfort. This supports stereotypes of a typically caring and emotionally driven mother. by leaning on her son not only is she shown letting emotions take over she also portrays the idea that women rely on men and are dependent on men to be the logical thinker in a bad situation. This conveys the idea of a damsel in distress being saved by a heroic man despite the fact he is her son and she should be comforting her son. In context with the 80s this would make sense as at the time women relied on men to do the hard work as they believed women were too emotionally involved to do so.

However, throughout the rest of the show the representation of single parents changes. When Joyce realises the police do not care about her son she steps into action and fights back. Joyce stands up to the officer and argues her son is a person who deserves effort and to be found. This supports Hooks theory as Joyce is a single parent standing up to a white male in authority, showing that she is challenging a patriarchal society. In the 80s this was still widely unheard of, whilst women were becoming recognised as strong individuals, a women defending herself against a man with power was not common as women were often silenced. 


son Chris 
Sergeant Brodie
Vice President 



  1. 25/9- Excellent analysis and structure. T6. Try to add a further paragraph that responds to the opening question.

  2. 10/10- Great work and structure used here. T: 5 Link to the context of the time.

  3. 31/10- Absent from the assessment lesson, please complete the assessment.

  4. 31/10- Assessment.
    Excellent analysis and coverage of all areas here, well done.
    T: Link your analysis to how the audience would react to these in relation to the context. More paragraphs needed. 5+9


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